Compliance training

Compliance training

Compliance training

Considering the increase of scrutiny and imposition of heavy fines by authorities globally on non- compliance of applicable laws, it has become essential for businesses to have a strong compliance mechanism in place. One such mechanism is to have internal policies on various applicable laws and ensure training of its associates to increase awareness and drive compliance. However, while undertaking such a drive it is pertinent to ensure that such trainings are designed in a manner which drives the spirit of compliance and not bring in a sense of fear which in turn disrupts business. Hence, it is important to connect law to business practice. Therefore, training programs are mainly designed based on a client’s business in order to connect the audience to the subject matter by giving actual business examples which are relatable and much easier to understand.

We focus mainly on topics like Antitrust, Dawn Raids, Anti-Bribery, PoSH, Ethics and Compliance. Other topics can also be facilitated based on the specific needs of our clients.

Our team has the vast experience of having trained and sensitised the entire workforce of various multinational organisations on compliance of various regulations and assisted in implementation of global policies at a local level by having a glocal approach.